"Mammoth HD, MHD, RED, RED 4K Footage, REDOne, RED Digitial Cinema, video formats, film formats, 4K, 2K, HD, HDTV, Format Comparison Chart, Interactive Format Comparison Chart, Broadcast and Film Format Comparison, Vertical Footage, stock footage, stock library, video library, " shot on red". shot on red
MHD / RED Gallery - Formats

The RED Digital Cinema Camera System consists of Eight Cameras:

RED Weapon 8K - VIsta Vison and Helium s35 (8192x4320)

RED EPIC Dragon and Weapon 6K (6144x3120)
EPIC 5K (5120x2700)
Scarlet W (6144x3160)

Raven W (4608x2160)
REDOne (4520x2540)
original imaging cameras that have the quality of 35mm and larger film
in a state-of -the-art digital package designed to offer format options
in both the acquistion stage and the post porduction phase.


  8K to SD Format Comparison Chart  

MHD / RED Gallery Acquistion and Delivery Formats (REDOne, Raven, Scarlet, Epic, Dragon and Weapon Cameras)

Original Acquistion will be in 8K, 6K, 5K, 4.5K or 4K*
*with specialized footage shot in 2K and 3K - to utilize the camera's overcrank capabliites

MHD Delivery Options:
- 8K Orignals (8192x4320)
- 6K Orignals (6144x3160)
- 5K Original (5120x2700 or 5120x2560)
- 4K Originals (4096x2304 or 4096x2048)
- 3K Originals (3072x1728 or 3072x1536(
- 2K Originals (2048x1152 or 2048x1024)
- HD 1080p (16x9 or 2:1 Aspect Ratio)
- HD 720p (16x9 or 2:1 Aspect Ratio)

Down-Converted Footage from 8K, 6K, 5K, 4K, 3K Originals
- 4K (16x9 or 2:1 Aspect Ratio)
- 3K (16x9 or 2:1 Aspect Ratio)
- 2K (16x9 or 2:1 Aspect Ratio)
- HD 1080p (16x9 or 2:1 Aspect Ratio)
- HD 720p (16x9 or 2:1 Aspect Ratio)
and SD/PAL
Down-Converted Footage from 2K Originals
- HD 1080p (16x9 or 2:1 Aspect Ratio)
- HD 720p (16x9 or 2:1 Aspect Ratio)
and SD/PAL
Vertical Footage from 6K/4K/2K Horizontal Originals
- 4K (from 8K originals)
- 2K
- HD 1080p
- HD 720p
and SD/PAL
This Website and all its Content and Images are Copyright©2003-2024 by Mammoth HD, Inc and the Contributing Artists.
Member: National Assoc. of Broadcasters (NAB), Hollywood Post Alliance (HPA) and Global Society for Asset Management (GSAM)
RED® is a trademark of RED Digital Cinema

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